Genus Gasterosteus


  • Day, F. 1878. On some Irish Gasterostei. J. Linn. Soc., London, Zool., 13: pp. 110-114, 3 fig. (A-C).
  • DeKay, J. E. 1842. Zoology of New York, or the New York fauna. Comprising detailed descriptions of all the animals hitherto observed within the state borders. Class V. Fishes. Natural History of New York Geological Survey, Albany, 1 (3-4), Fishes: 415 pp., 79 pl.
  • Frost, G. A. 1929b. A comparative study of the otoliths of the Neopterygian Fishes (continued). Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10) 4 (21): 257-264, pl. III.
  • Hubbs, C. L. 1929. The Atlantic American Species of the fish genus Gasterosteus. Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., (200): 9 p., pl. III.
  • Jordan, D. S.; Evermann, B. W. 1927. New genera and species of North American Fishes. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., (4) 16 (15): 501-507.
  • Jordan, D. S.; Gilbert, C. H. 1883b. Synopsis of the Fishes of North America. Bull. U.S. natn. Mus., (16), 1882 [1883]: Ivi +1018 pp.
  • Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae, ed. X, vol. 1, 824 pp. Nantes & Pisces: pp. 230-338. (Reprint, 1956, London.).
  • Mclntosh, W. C.; Prince, E. E. 1890. On the Development and Life-Histories of the Teleostean Food and other Fishes. Trans. R. Soc. Edinb., 35, Part III, (19): 665-944, 3 fig., pl. I-XXVIII.
  • Pallas, P. S. 1811. [probably 1814]. Zoographia rosso-asiatica, sistens omnium animalium in extenso Imperio Rossico et adjacentibus maribus observatorum recensionem, domicilia, mores et descriptiones anatomen atque icones plurimorum, 3 vol. Petropoli, 3, 428 pp. (pl. [1], XIII, XIV, XV, XXI, XX (sic)) (89 pl. are mentioned in the text but are unpublished. Perhaps published in Icones ad Zoographiam Rosso-Asiaticam, 1834-427.). (2nd ed., 1831, 3 vol. and Atlas, Petropoli.).
  • Pappenheim, P. 1909. Pisces (inkl. Cyclostomata), Fische: pp. 90-201, fig. 97-173. In: A. Brauer, Die Süsswasserfauna Deutschlands, Heft 1.
  • Regan, C. T. 1909. The Species of Three-spined Sticklebacks (Gasterosteus). Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8) 4 (23): 435-437.
  • Swainson, W. 1838-1839. On the natural history and classification of fishes, amphibians and reptiles or monocardian animals, London, 2 vol., 1, 1838, 368 pp., 100 fig.; 2, 1839, 448 pp., 135 fig.
  • Tilesius [von Tilenau], W. G. 1811. Piscium Camtschaticorum descriptiones et icones. Mém. Acad. imp. Sci., 1809-10, 3: 225-285, pl. VIII-XIII.