Lycodes pallidus

Author: Collett, 1878

Lycodes pallidus Collett, 1878

Status in World Register of Marine Species:
Accepted name: Lycodes pallidus Collett, 1879 (updated 2009-06-25)

Diagnosis: body fairly elongate, its depth 7-10% TL at anal origin, covered with scales nearly to base of pectoral fin, but belly, back before dorsal fin and unpaired fins naked. Pectoral finrays (17) 18-20 (21); pelvic fins short, not more than 2.0-2.5% TL; preanal distance 41-45% TL. Lateral line double, with ventral and midlateral branches, the latter more or less visible behind level of anus. Vertebrae 90-93. Colour: in young, body pale, yellowish-brown, with 6-8 light and narrow crossbands which are more distinct on the dorsal fin; in larger specimens the light bands often disappear, the body becoming more or less uniformly coloured. Size: to 26 cm, usually 15-20 cm.

Habitat: benthic on muddy bottoms at 60-980 m (but often in shallow water in Siberian seas), with bottom temperatures below O °C and salinities of 33-35‰. Food: polychaetes, ophiurids, small bivalves, amphipods. Reproduction: ripe females recorded in September (Kara Sea); eggs demersal, few (about 35), 6.1 mm diameter.

Distribution. north-eastern Greenland, Jan Mayen I., northern coasts of Iceland, the Faroes-Shetland slope, northern part of Barents Sea, around Spitsbergen, White Sea. Elsewhere, eastwards to Kara Sea and western part of Laptev Sea, Beaufort Sea; also, Arctic Canada to Labrador and Gulf of St Lawrence.

Eggs, larvae and young stages. No data.
Otoliths (sagitta). No data.


Lycodes pallidus pallidus: body depth 8-10% TL; pectoral fin length 11-14%; complete geographical range except White Sea (Clofnam 1 70.4.9. 1).
Eggs, larvae and young stages. Jensen, 1904b: 46, pl. VI (fig. 3a) | Andriashev, 1954: 295.
Otoliths (sagitta). No data.

Lycodes pallidus marisalbi: body depth 7-8% TL; pectoral fin length 14-16% TL; White Sea only (Clofnam
Eggs, larvae and young stages. No data.
Otoliths (sagitta). No data.