Genus Decapterus

Decapterus Bleeker,1851

Dorsal accessory lateral line terminating in front of spinous dorsal fin. Terminal ray of dorsal and anal fins noticeably separated from adjacent ray and without inter-radial membrane; spinous dorsal fin relatively high, longest spine slightly longer than or about equal length of soft dorsal fin lobe. Shoulder girdle (cleithrum) margin with two low papillae: a relatively broad, blunt papilla ventrally and a smaller papilla near upper edge. No enlarged scute-like scales anteriorly in curved lateral line; scutes present, at least posteriorly, in straight lateral line.
Pelagic or epipelagic species occurring from the surface to about 200 m; generally in large schools; feeding primarily on planktonic invertebrates.

Species 9-11; in Clofnam area 2.

Recent revision: Smith-Vaniz and Berry (1981—on a regional basis only).

Species of this genus in the program:
Decapterus macarellus
Decapterus punctatus