Genus Merlangius

Merlangius E. L. Geoffroy, 1767

Upper jaw slightly projecting beyond lower one. Eye diameter shorter than snout. A barbel on chin, minute, obsolete or absent. Sensory canals with large pores on head. Coronal fossa on frontals closed in front of commissure between supra-orbital canals. First anal fin long, its base a little shorter than preanal distance and its origin usually below middle of first dorsal fin base. Anal fins usually in contact, dorsal with interspaces. Lateral line not continuous behind end of third dorsal fin base. A dark spot on pectoral fin base.

Habitat: shallow water, rarely below 200 m, usually 30-100 m, over sandy or muddy ground, young live closer to the shore, 5-30 m. Behaviour: above the bottom and often near surface. Food: crustaceans and fishes, proportion of fishes increasing with age. Reproduction: from January in the south to July in the north, throughout range.

Distribution: European coasts from Iceland and south-western Barents Sea to northern coasts of Portugal, western Baltic to Gotland Island, doubtful in western Mediterranean (M. merlangus merlangus), Black Sea, adjacent parts of Azov Sea, Sea of Marmora, Aegean Sea and Adriatic (M. merlangus euxinus).

Species 1.

Species of this genus in the program:
Merlangius merlangus