Genus Maulisia

Maulisia Parr, 1960

Premaxillae with prominent tusks pointing forward; row of teeth on outer edge of lower jaw present only in young. Frontal bones with a subtriangular plate over eye; supra-orbital forming hood over upper front quadrant of eye. Origin of anal fin a little behind that of dorsal fin (below about second to fifth finray). Lateral line without modified scales. A large elongate pit, several scales wide, behind upper rim of gill-opening (shoulder pit). Light organs present.
Mesopelagic to bathypelagic, down to about 1,000 m.

Species 2; in Clofnam area 2 (plus I—see note).

Note: 'Maulisia' microlepis differs from this diagnosis (outer teeth of lower jaw retained in adults, lateral line scales modified, no light organs, no shoulder pit). Future work will undoubtedly remove it from the genus Maulisia.

Species of this genus in the program:
Maulisia argipalla
Maulisia mauli
Maulisia microlepis