Familia Osmeridae


by D. McAllister

Small, elongate andsilvery fishes not exceeding 45 cm. Jaws fairly large, gape reaching back to eye. Teeth present on jaws and in mouth, some moderately large. Branchiostegal rays 6-10. Pyloric caeca 0-11. Pseudo-branch present. Dorsal fin short, near or at midpoint of body, followed by an adipose fin nearer to tail; pectoral fins fairly low on body pelvic fins without fleshy appendages in axil, their base little before or behind dorsal fin origin, with 8 finrays; anal fin fairly short, far back on body. Scales moderate or small, lateral line present, but usually incomplete. Vertebrae 51-78. A single upturned centrum in urostyle.
Includes marine, anadromous or purely freshwater species (or populations), feeding mainly on crustaceans and small fishes; frequently form schools, especially when spawning. Mature at 1-3 years, with mature males developing tubercles on scales and finrays (to some extent also in females), also frequently a shelf-like anal fin base and a ridge along flanks in males. Eggs small (1-2 mm), usually laid at night on sand or gravel in salt- or freshwater (depending on species); transparent larvae metamorphose at about 70 mm. Some species are abundant and support commercial and sport fisheries; flesh sometimes has a cucumber-like smell.

Genera 6; in Clofnam area 2.

Recent revisions: McAllister (1963), Klyukanov (1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1975a, 1975b, 1977), Rembisewski (1970).