Genus Alepocephalus

Alepocephalus Risso, 1820

Body moderately elongate. Head large, eye large; teeth present on premaxillae, dentary and palatines, but absent on maxilla and vomer. Pyloric caeca 12-28. Dorsal and anal fins more or less equal in length, far back and opposite each other; dorsal finrays 15-23, pectoral finrays 9-12, pelvic finrays 6-9 (plus a splint bone), anal finrays 16-25. Small scales on body.
Engybenthic on continental slope at 300-3,600 m; very abundant and could form a large by-catch in deep-sea trawling.

Species of this genus in the program:
Alepocephalus agassizii
Alepocephalus australis
Alepocephalus bairdii
Alepocephalus productus
Alepocephalus rostratus