Bathypterois grallator Goode and Bean, 1886
Benthosaurus amblyops Bernard, 1958
Benthosaurus grallator Goode and Bean, 1886, Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Harvard, 12 (5): 168 (eastern Gulf of Mexico). Holotype: MCZ no. 27924.
Benthosaurus grallator Goode and Bean, 1896: 62, fig. 73 (pl. XIX) | Murray and Hjort, 1912a: 688, fig. 502 | Koefoed, 1927: 64 | Fowler, 1936: 361, fig. 172 | Grey, 1956: 131; 1958: 159 | Mead, 1966: 119-122, fig. 38a.
Skagerakia nilssoni Nybelin, 1947, Ark. Zool., 38B (2): 4, fig. 3-4 (West of Gibraltar). Holotype: NMG.
Skagerakia nilssoni: Nybelin, 1948: 32-35, pl. II (fig. 3), pl. III (fig. 3).
Bcnthosaurus nilssoni: Dollfus, 1955: 39, 116.
?Benthosaurus amblyops Bernard, 1958, Ann. Inst. océanogr. Monaco, 35: 323, pl. 23 (new name based on Medit. bathyscaphe photo; possibly a Bathypterois).
Common names:
tripodfish [UK and USA]