Chelon labrosus


name skocac (or cipal) putnik
name thicklip grey mullet
name kaplat
name lisa
name kefal
name diklipharder
name dicklippige Meerasche
name kifon belut hassafa
name tainha
name cefalo bosega
name bouri sudani
name labru
name velánitsa
Alternative name mulet lippu
Alternative name müsaru
Valid name Chelon labrosus
Synonymthicklip grey mullet [UK and USA]
Synonymlabru [France and Belgium]
Synonymskocac (or cipal) putnik [former Yugoslavia]
Synonymkahlayoum [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco]
Synonymmulet lippu [France and Belgium]
SynonymCommon names:
Synonymdiklipharder [Netherlands and Belgium]
Synonymmüsaru [France and Belgium]
SynonymChelon labrosus Risso, 1826
SynonymMugil labrosus labrosus and M.I. septentrionalis: Blanc and Banarescu, 1968: 27.
SynonymMugil corrugatus: Lowe, 1860: 155.
SynonymLiza (Oedalechilus) provensalis (nec Risso): Fowler, 1904c: 749 (footnote).
SynonymChelon chelo: Schultz, 1946: 391.
SynonymCrenimugil labrosus: Hickling, 1970: 609.
Synonym? Mugil curtus Yarrell, 1835, British Fishes, ed. 1: 210, fig. (South coast of England (juv.). No type preserved.
SynonymMugil corrugatus Lowe, 1839, Trans. zool. Soc. Lond., 2: 184 (Madeira).
SynonymMugil cephalus var. B: Delaroche, 1809a: 32, 72, pl. 2 (fig. 7).
SynonymMugil (Liza) chelo: Soljan, 1948: 207, 390, fig.
SynonymMugil cephalus (nec Linn.): ? Donovan, 1802, pl. XV | Risso, 1810: 343.
SynonymMugil labrosus Risso, 1826, Hist. nat. Eur. mérid.: 389 (Western Mediterranean). Type: destroyed (see Bertin, 1945).
SynonymMugil labeo (nec Cuvier): Fowler, 1936: 598 (record from Azores only; specimens examined by me, 1970).
SynonymMugil septentrionalis Günther, 1861a, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (3) 7: 349, fig., and Cat. Fish., 3: 455, fig. Syntypes: BMNH
SynonymLiza labrosus: Buen, 1935: 95, fig. 42 | Dieuzeide et al., 1955: 242, fig.
SynonymChelon labrosus: Duncker, ed. Ladiges, 1960: 287 | Tortonese, 1972a: 32-33.
SynonymMugil chelo: Bonaparte, 1834: pl. XCI (fig. 2) | Yarrell, 1835: 207, fig. | Valenciennes, in Cuv. and Val., 1836: 50, pl.
SynonymMugil chelo Cuvier, 1829, Règne anim., ed. II, 2: 232. Lectotype: MNHN no. 6400; 18 paralectotypes: MNHN no. A 3588-9, A
Synonym? Mugil curtus: Valenciennes, 1836: 70, pl. 311 | Günther, 1861b: 439 | Moreau, 1881, 3: 198.
SynonymMugil labrosus: Chevey, 1929: fig. (from Day); 1930: fig. | Arne, 1938: 92, fig. 10-15 | Svetovidov, 1964: 212, fig. 60.
SynonymLiza chelo: Popov, 1929: 246; 1930a: 72, 121, fig. 3, table 2, pl. III (fig. 1-2).
SynonymMugil provensalis (nec Risso): Lozano Rey, 1935: 256, pl. IV (fig. 1); 1947: 736, pl. XIX (fig. 3) | Thomson, 1964: 10-11
