oar fish
paz remo
Alternative name
king of the herrings
Alternative name
rey de los arenques
Alternative name
roi des harengs
Alternative name
pesce nastro
Valid name
Regalecus glesne
Synonym | king of the Herrings [UK and USA] |
Synonym | roi des harengs [France and Belgium] |
Synonym | Common names: |
Synonym | regalec [France and Belgium] |
Synonym | oar fish [UK and USA] |
Synonym | Regalecus glesne Ascanius, 1772 |
Synonym | Regalecus glesne Ascanius, 1772, Icon., 2: 5, pl. XI (near Bergen, Norway). Type: unknown. |
Synonym | Regalecus glesne O. F. Müller, 1776, Zool. dan. Prodr.: 40. |
Synonym | Cephalepis octomaculatus Rafinesque, 1810b, Indice Ittiol. siciliana: 55 (Messina). |
Synonym | Regalecus remipes: Walbaum, 1792: 696. |
Synonym | Gymnetrus banksii: Hancock and Embleton, 1849: 1-18, pl. I-II. |
Synonym | Regalecus caudatus: Zugmayer, 1940b: 210 (between Madeira and Monaco Tr.). |
Synonym | Gymnetrus longiradiatus Risso, 1826, Hist. nat. Eur. mérid., 3: 296 (Northern Seas). |
Synonym | Regalecus caudatus Zugmayer, 1914, Bull. Inst. océanogr. Monaco, (288): 3. Holotype: MOM. |
Synonym | Gymnetrus Banksii Valenciennes, 1835, ibid, 10: 365 (Yorks). Type lost. |
Synonym | Ophidium (glesne): Ascanius, 1788: 421-422. |
Synonym | Gymnetrus Hawkenii Bloch, 1795, Nat. ausland. Fische, 9: 95, pl . 423 (near Goa, India). |
Synonym | Regalecus remipes Brünnich, 1788, Vid. Selsk. Skr. (n.s.), 3: 11 18, pl. B (fig. 45) (Iceland). |
Synonym | Gymnetrus Grillii Lindroth, 1798, K. Vet. Akad. Hand, 9: 291-298, pl. VIII ('Habitat in Oceano Norvegico'). |
Synonym | Gymnetrus Hawkinsii: Bloch and Schneider, 1801: 481-482, pl. 88 (Regalecus remipes). |
Synonym | Gymnetrus gladius Valenciennes, 1835, in Cuv. Val., Hist. nat. Poissons, 10: 352, pl. 298 (Mediterranean). |
Synonym | ? Gymnetrus capensis Valenciennes, 1835, ibid., 10: 376 (Cape of Good Hope). Holotype: MNHN no. B 2626. |
Synonym | Gymnetrus Ascanu Shaw, 1803, Gen. zool., 4 (2): 193-194, pl. 27. |
Synonym | Regalecus banksii: Rennison, 1953a: 1088; 1953b: 865. |
Synonym | Gymnetrus telum Valenciennes, 1835, ibid., 10: 361, pl. 299 (Mediterranean). Holotype: MNHN no. A 7126. |
Synonym | Regalecus glesne: Smitt, 1893: 322-327, fig. 87-88 | Wheeler, 1969: |
Synonym | 297-298, fig. | Tortonese, 1970: 479-481, fig. 191 | Bini, 1970: 171-172, col. fig. |