Astronesthes micropogon

Author: Goodyear and Gibbs, 1970

Astronesthes micropogon Goodyear and Gibbs, 1970

Status in World Register of Marine Species:
Accepted name: Astronesthes micropogon Goodyear and Gibbs, 1970 (updated 2009-06-25)

Diagnosis: serial photophores in lateral row (OA) 32-35, of which 18-21 behind pelvic fin insertion (VAL); 51-55 photophores in ventral row to tail (IC); ventral row straight between pectoral fin bases. Barbel a tiny rudiment. Dorsal finrays 17-20. Colour: head and body silvery on black background; in larger specimens a narrow pale patch on most of anterior part of gill cover, coalescing patches between lateral and ventral photophore rows, and dots often present on sides of head and body. Size: to a little more than 80 mm.

Habitat, etc.: see family.

Distribution: Madeira and south. Elsewhere, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea and adjacent Atlantic, apparently extending across the Atlantic between 30° and 35° N; eastern Atlantic east of 25 W, and across the Atlantic from about 5° N to 25° S.