Speleogobius Zander and Jelinek, 1976
Type-species: Speleogobius trigloides Zander and Jelinek, 1976.
Sub-orbital papillae with row a around lower edge of eye, lacking transverse rows; row c of a few papillae beneath eye, cp represented by 1 or 2 papillae. Only anterior oculoscapular head canal present, extending to rear snout behind posterior nostrils. Predorsal area and nape scaled. Anterior nostril tubular, without process from rim. Pectoral fin uppermost rays within membrane. Pelvic disc with emarginate rear edge and no anterior transverse membrane. First dorsal rays VI. Scales in lateral series 26-30. Vertebrae 29.
A single small Mediterranean species, originally discovered in a marine grotto.
Species 1.
Species of this genus in the program:
Speleogobius trigloides