Genus Callionymus

Callionymus Linnaeus, 1758

Gill opening dorsal. Usually antrorse tip at base of preopercular spine. Rays of second dorsal unbranched except for the last, which is divided at base. Large membrane behind the last ray of the first dorsal. Dl III-IV; D2 6-10; A 8-10 (Clofnam area).
Benthic on sandy or muddy bottoms, rarely on hard bottom, from the tidal zone to 650 m. Feeding on small bottom invertebrates, mainly worms, snails and crustaceans. Oviparous; pelagic eggs and larvae. Most species territorial; males aggressive to each other. Complex courtship behaviour with 4 phases: courtship, pairing, ascending, releasing eggs and milt. No commercial importance; occasionally used to produce fish meal. Sometimes fried and eaten in the Mediterranean area.

Species 90; in Clofnam area 7.

Recent revision: see family.

Species of this genus in the program:
Callionymus fasciatus
Callionymus filamentosus
Callionymus lyra
Callionymus maculatus
Callionymus pusillus
Callionymus reticulatus
Callionymus risso