Cottunculus thomsonii

Cottunculus thomsonii Günther, 1882


Cottus thomsonii Günther, 1882, Proc. R. soc. Edinb., 11: 679 (Faroes Channel). Holotype: BMNH no. 1887.12.9.10.
Cottunculus torvus Goode, 1880, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus.: 479 (nomen nudum) (off Rhode Isl.).
Cottunculus torvus Goode and Bean, 1883: 185, 212-213 | Vaillant, 1888: 360-365, 388, pl. XXVIII (fig. 3) | Lütken, 1898: 34.
Cottunculus thomsonii: Günther, 1887: 61, pl. IX (fig. B).
Cottunculus thomsoni: Lütken, 1891: 28 | Goode and Bean, 1896: 270-271, pl. LXXII (fig. 258), pl. LXXIII (fig. 262a-b) | Jensen, 1952b: 12-15.

Common names:

cotte blême [France and Belgium]
cottunculus thompsona [Russia]
pallid sculpin [UK and USA]
tómasarhnytill [Iceland]