Cottunculus microps Collett, 1875
Cottunculus microps Collett, 1875a, Norges Fiske: 20-23, pl. I (fig.1-3)(offHammerfest, northern Norway).
Cottunculus microps: Collett, 1880: 19, pl. I (fig. 5-6) (in part) | Günther, 1887: 60, pl. IX (fig. A) | Lilljeborg, 1891: 113-117 | Smitt, 1893: 158-159, fig. 45 | Goode and Bean, 1896: 269-270, pl. LXXII (fig. 257), pl. LXXIII (fig. 261a-b) | Collett, 1905b: 85 (part.: Romsdall, Finmarken, Bear Isl.) | Knipowitch, 1926: 126 | Duncker, 1929: 69, fig. 7 | Saemundsson, 1949: 11 | Jensen, 1952b: 12, 13-15 | Andriashev, 1954: 416-419, fig. 235-236, 237 | Wheeler, 1969: 491.
Common names:
cotte polaire [France and Belgium]
maloglasy cottunculus [Russia]
marhnytill [Iceland]
paddeulk [Denmark]
paddeulke [Norway]
paddulken [Sweden]
polar sculpin [UK and USA]