Setarches guentheri

Setarches guentheri Johnson, 1862


Setarches Güntheri Johnson, 1862, Proc. zool. Soc. London: 177, pl. 23 (Madeira). Holotype: BMNH no. 1881.10.20.4.
Setarches guentheri: Vaillant, 1888: 373-375 | Norman, 1935: 33 | Eschmeyer, 1969: 102.
Setarches güntheri: Goode and Bean, 1896: 263 | Fowler, 1936, 2: 929 | Maul, 1949: 156 | Furnestin et al., 1958: 474, fig. 71 | Boutière, 1958: 1-83, pl. 4b | Dollfus, 1959: 110.

Common names:

deepwater scorpionfish [UK and USA]
rascasse serran [France and Belgium]
rscacio serrano [Spain]