Bathymicrops regis Hjort and Koefoed, 1912
Bathymicrops regis Hjort and Koefoed, 1912a, in Murray and Hjort, Depths of the Ocean: 88, fig. 305: 416 (Southwest of Madeira). Holotype: UBNM no. 3198.
Bathymicrops regis: Koefoed, 1927: 64-65, pl. V (fig. 1-3) | Parr, 1928: 23 | Fowler, 1936: 347 | Grey, 1956: 135 | Nybelin, 1957: 257 | Mead, 1966: 155-157 | Nielsen, 1966b: 63-64, pl. XVI (fig. 1).
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