Pomatoschistus norvegicus

Pomatoschistus norvegicus (Collett, 1903)


Gobius minutus norvegicus Collett, 1903, Forh. Vid. Selsk. Christ., (1): 54 (Christianiafjord and Trondheimfjord, Norway).
Cobius minutus, typical race: Holt and Byrne, 1903, Rep. Sea. Inl. Fish. Ire., 1901, 2: 51 (part.).
Gobius Kneri: Fage, 1914: 307, fig. 4, 6, no. 6 (nec Steindachner, 1861).
Gobius elongatus: Fage, 1915a: 1, fig. 2 (nec Canestrini, 1861).
Gobius elongatus: Lebour, 1919: 58, pl. 1 (fig. 2-3).
Gobius Fagei de Buen, 1923, Mem. Inst. esp. Oceanogr., 3 (3): 233, fig. 56-57 (Malaga, Spain).
Pomatoschistus fagei: Iljin, 1930: 53.
Pomatoschistus (Pomatoschistus) fagei: de Buen, 1930a: 130; 1931: 51, 64.
Pomatochistus fagei: Lozano Rey, 1960: 77, 87, fig. 43.
Pomatoschistus norvegicus: Bagenal, 1965: 22.
Pomatoschistus minutus norvegicus: Halliday, 1969: 315.
Pomatoschistus (Pomatoschistus) norvegicus: Wheeler, 1969: 417, fig. 140.

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