Parablennius pilicornis

Parablennius pilicornis (Cuvier, 1829)


Blennius pilicornis Cuvier, 1829, Règne animal, ed. II, 2: 237. No type material.
Blennius pilicornis: Valenciennes, 1836, in Cuv. and Val., 11: 254.
Blennius pantherinus Valenviennes, 1836, in Cuv. and Val., 1836, 11: 262. Holotype: MNHN no. A 1843 (Coast of Brazil).
Blennius filicornis: Günther, 1861, 3: 216 (err.type).
Blennius fascigula: Smith, 1931: 152, pl. 16; 1949: 344, pl. 76 (fig. 951) | Penrith and Penrith, 1972: 72-75, fig. 9-11.
Blennius trifascigula Fowler, 1935, Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad., 87: 404, fig. 36.
Blennius vandervekeni Poll, 1959, Expéd. océan. belge, 4 (3B): 66-67, fig. 24. Holotype: ISNB no. 375, 83 mm, syntype: MRAC no. 126645, 35 mm (Bay of Lobito, Angola).
Blennius vandervekeni: Bath, 1966: 411-417, 8 fig. | Zander, 1969: 59-63 | Zander, 1972b: 209, fig. 12e-f.
? Blennius goreennsis (nec Valenciennes, 1836): Aloncle, 1967c: 105-109, 1 fig.
Parablennius pilicornis: Bath, 1977: 197-198, fig. 44, 74.

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