Raja brachyura

Raja (Raja) brachyura Lafont, 1873


Raja (Raja) brachyuta Lafont, 1873
Raja brachyura Lafont, 1873, Act. Soc. Iinn. Bordeaux, (3)28, (8): 503-504, pl. 25 (Gironde). No type material.
Raja asterias (non Delaroche): Günther, 1870: 460 | Moreau, 1881: 429-432 | Doderlein, 1884: 180-185 | Le Danois, 1913: 33, fig. 31, 41.
Raja brachyura: Moreau, 1881: 420-421 | Clark, 1926: 15-17, fig. 9, pl. 4 | Lozano Rey, 1928: 587-592, pl. 15 | Ehrenbaum, 1936: 301-302, pl. 24 | Poll, 1947: 95-97, fig. 63 | Dieuzeide and Roland, 1950: 147-156, fig. 1 | Dieuzeide et al., 1953: 94-97, fig. | Albuquerque, 1954-1956: 157-158, fig. 95 | Tortonese, 1956: 237-239, fig. 131 | Wheeler, 1969: 103-104, fig. | Stehmann, 1970: 149, pl. 2, 10, 19.
Raja blanda Holt and Calderwood, 1895, Trans. Roy. Soc. Dublin, (2) 5: 395-402, pl. 44/I (West coast of Ireland). No type material.
Betaraia blanda: Leigh-Sharpe, 1924: 569.
Raja oculata (non Risso): Fowler, 1936: 117.

Common names:

Blonde ray [UK and USA]
Raie lisse [France and Belgium]
raie à queue courte [France and Belgium]
razza a coda corta [Italy]
raia pontuada [Portugal]
Raya boca de rosa [Spain]
blonde rog [Netherlands and Belgium]