Valid name
Notoscopelus kroeyerii
Synonym | Common names: |
Synonym | Notoscopelus (Notoscopelus) kroeyerii (Malm, 1861) |
Synonym | Scopelus krøyeri: Collett, 1878: 24. |
Synonym | Scopelus kroyeri: Bellotti, 1892: 16. |
Synonym | Lampanyctus castaneus: Parr, 1928: 81. |
Synonym | Lampanyctus elongatus: Nybelin, 1948: 39. |
Synonym | Macrostoma margaritiferum: Jordan and Evermann, 1896: 555. |
Synonym | Macrostoma castaneum: Jordan and Evermann, 1896: 556. |
Synonym | Myctophum (Lampanyctus) margaritiferum: Brauer, 1904: 395. |
Synonym | Myctophum (Lampanyctus) castaneum: Brauer, 1904: 395. |
Synonym | Myctophum (Lampanyctus) quercinum: Brauer, 1904: 395. |
Synonym | Lampanyctus margaritiferus: Legendre, 1934: 367. |
Synonym | Notoscopelus kröyeri: Bekker, 1967a: 122. |
Synonym | Notoscopelus krøyeri: Backus et al., 1970: 194. |
Synonym | Myctophum (Lampanyctus) elongatum: Sanz, 1919: 10-12, fig., part. |
Synonym | Myctophum (Lampanyctus) elongatus (non Costa): Roule and Angel, 1933: 82, 97. |
Synonym | Notoscopelus castaneus: Fraser-Brunner, 1949: 1097, fig. |
Synonym | Notoscopelus (N) elongatus kroyeri: Nafpaktitis, 1975: 81-82, fig. 5. |
Synonym | Notoscopelus margaritiferus Goode and Bean, 1896, Mem. Mus. comp. Zool. Harv., 22: 84, pl. XXVI (fig. 98) (off Banquerea |
Synonym | Macrostoma quercinum: Jordan and Evermann, 1896: 554-555. |
Synonym | Macrostoma angustidens (non Risso): Jordan and Evermann, 1896: 555-556, part. |
Synonym | Scopelus (Lampanyctus) elongatus (non Costa): Holt and Byrne, 1911: 5, 2426, fig. 7, part. |
Synonym | Myctophum elongatum (non Costa): Andersson, 1942: 222, part., fig. (pl. opposite: 208). |
Synonym | Scopelus kröyerii Malm, 1861, Forh. Skand. naturf. Møte, 8: 617-618 (Skagerrak, from stomach of cod). Holotype: NMG no. P |
Synonym | Notoscopelus quercinus Goode and Bean, 1896, Mem. Mus. comp. Zool. Harv., 22: 83-84, pl. XXVI (fig. 97) (Newfoundland Ban |
Synonym | Notoscopelus margaritifer: Bolin, 1939: 150 | Fraser-Brunner, 1949: 1097, fig. |
Synonym | Scopelus kröyerii: Malm, 1863: 100 102;1877: 534. |
Synonym | Notoscopelus castaneus Goode and Bean, 1896, Mem. Mus. comp. Zool. Harv., 22: 84, pl. XXV (fig. 93) (39° 57' N., 70° 37' |
Synonym | Notoscopelus elongatus: Rae and Lamont, 1961: 105 | Andriashev, 1964: 135-136, fig. 63, part. |
Synonym | Scopelus elongatus: Lilljeborg, 1891: 25-30, part. | Lütken, 1892: 264265, part. | Saemundsson, 1926: 387-389, fig. 208, |