Thunnus albacares


name rabil
name tonno albacora
name albacore
name tuna zutoperka
name thon a nageoires jaunes
Alternative name yellowfin tuna
Valid name Thunnus albacares
Synonymyellowfin tuna [UK and USA]
Synonymalbacore [France and Belgium]
Synonymthon a nageoires jaunes [France and Belgium]
Synonymtuna zutoperka [former Yugoslavia]
SynonymCommon names:
SynonymThunnus albacares (Bonnaterre, 1788)
SynonymThunnus (Neothunnus) albacores: Rossignol, 1968.
SynonymThunnus albacares: Zarov, 1970.
SynonymThynnus albacora Lowe, 1839 Proc. zool. Soc. London: 77.
SynonymThunnus argentivittatus: Collins, 1954: 27.
SynonymScomber albacorus Lacepède, 1801, Hist. nat. Poissons, 3: 48.
SynonymThunnus albacores: Le Danois E. and Y., 1963: 167.
SynonymThynnus argentivittatus Cuvier, 1832, in Cuv. Val., Hist. nat. Poissons, 8: 134 ('Mer Atlantique').
SynonymNeothunnus albacore: Zarov et al., 1961: 32, fig. 12.
SynonymScomber albacares Sloane, 1707, A voyage to Jamaica, 1:11 (albacores or thynni), pl. 1 (fig. 1, Albacore sive Thynnus) ('
SynonymOrcynus albacora: Nobre, 1935: 252, pl. 35 (fig. 114).
SynonymThynnus argentivittatus: Bauchot and Blanc, 1961: 376 | ? Collette, 1966: 373.
SynonymThunnus (Neorhunnus) albacora: Fraser-Brunner, 1950: 144, fig. 7 | Bini, 1965: 197, fig. 197.
SynonymGermo albacora: Fowler, 1936: 623, fig. 282 | Lozano Rey, 1952: 516, pl. 40 (fig. 3).
SynonymNeothunnus albacora: Frade, 1931: fiche no. 284; 1931: 123, fig. 73 | Dollfus, 1955: 140 | Postel, 1955: 5, pl. 1 | Vilel
