Tetrapturus belone


name marlin de Méditerranée
name iglan
name marlin
name pastardella
name mediterranean spearfish
name aguglia imperiale
Alternative name aguglia pelerana
Valid name Tetrapturus belone
Synonymmediterranean spearfish [UK and USA]
SynonymCommon names:
Synonymiglan [former Yugoslavia]
Synonymmarlin de Méditerranée [France and Belgium]
SynonymTetrapturus belone Rafinesque, 1810
SynonymIstiophorus gladius: Ben-Tuvia, 1953 (misidentification).
SynonymTetrapterurus belone: Bonaparte, 1841, 3 (1): 19 (emended orthographic spelling of Tetrrapturus Rafinesque).
SynonymHistiophorus belone: Günther, 1860, 2: 513.
SynonymScheponopodus prototypus Canestrini, 1872, Fauna Italia, (3): 112 (type locality: Italy; variation of spelling of Skeponopodus N
SynonymTetrapturus belone Rafinesque, 1810, Caratt. Gen. Spec. Sicil., 54-55, pl. 1 (fig. 1) (orig. description; type locality:
SynonymTetrapterus belone: Agassiz, 1843, 5: 7, 89-90, table E (emended spelling).
SynonymHistiophorus (Tetrapturus) belone: Lütken, 1876a, 5: 60-63, pl. 3 (Tetrapturus a subgenus of Histiophorus).
SynonymTetrapturus imperator (nec Goode, 1883: 306 307 (T. belone erroneously placed in synonymy of T. imperator Schneider, a sy
SynonymMakaira belone: Tortonese, 1958, 97 (4): 330.
SynonymSkeponopodus typus Nardo, 1833, Isis (Oken), XXV1(4): 416-419 (type locality: Adriatic Sea).
SynonymTetrapturus belone: Robins and de Sylva, 1963, 13 (1): 84122 (redescription and designation of a neotype).
SynonymTetrapturus beloni (sic) Briggs, 1958, 2 (8): 287 (based on T. belone Rafinesque, 1810, erroneously listed from Florida).
SynonymIstiophorus gladius (nec Bloch): Ben-Tuvia, 1953, (8): 18-19, fig. 12 (based on a juvenile, 324 mm long, from near Haifa
