Aphia minuta


name rossetto
name goviodàki aphia
name nonnat
name glasskutling
name chanquete
name glaskutling
name glasgrondel
name Weissgrundel
name klarbulten
name mlijec
name transparent goby
Valid name Aphia minuta
Synonymtransparent goby [UK and USA]
Synonymnonnat [France and Belgium]
Synonymmlijec [former Yugoslavia]
Synonymglasgrondel [Netherlands and Belgium]
SynonymCommon names:
SynonymAphia meridionalis Risso, 1810).
SynonymAphia minuta Risso, 1810
SynonymAphya pellucida (Nardo, 1824)
SynonymLatrunculus stuwitzii: Collett, 1873: 9.
SynonymGobius pellucidus Nardo, 1824b, Giorn. Fis. Chim. Stor. nat. Pavia, 7: (7) (Venezia?).
SynonymGobiosoma stuvitzii: Günther, 1861b: 86.
SynonymAphya minuta: Zambriborsch, 1968: 39.
SynonymAtherina minuta Risso, 1810, Ichthyol. Nice: 340 (Nice).
SynonymGobius albus Parnell, 1838, Fish. Firth of Forth: 248, pl. XXIX (Firth of Forth, Scotland)
SynonymLatrunculus pellucidus: Günther, 1861b: 556.
SynonymBoreogobius stuvitzii: Gill, 1863: 269.
SynonymAphia minuta: Wheeler, 1969: 277.
SynonymAphia pellucida: Day, 1881:169, pl. LIII (fig. 3).
SynonymLatrunculus albus: Günther, 1861b: 80, 556.
Synonym? Argentina aphia Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810a, Caratt. Gen. Spec. Sicil.: 58, not Gobius aphia L., 1758.
SynonymBrachyochirus aphya Bonaparte, 1846, Cat. Met. Pesc. Eur.: 64 (not Gobius aphia L., 1758).
SynonymBrachyochirus pellucidus: Zei, 1963: 550, pl. 204.
SynonymGobius stuwitzii von Düben, 1845, Öfv. K. Vet. Akad. Förh., 1844, (5): 111 (Christiansund and Bergen, Norway).
SynonymGobius pellucidus Kessler, 1859, 32: 260 (near Odessa) | Couch, 1863, 2: 171, pl. CII (fig. 2) (Bristol Channel, England)
SynonymAphya pellucida: Moreau, 1881: 238, fig. 106: 1891: 26; 1892: 189 | Andersson, 1942: 85; 1954: 86, fig. 15.
