Aphia minuta Risso, 1810
Atherina minuta Risso, 1810, Ichthyol. Nice: 340 (Nice).
? Argentina aphia Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810a, Caratt. Gen. Spec. Sicil.: 58, not Gobius aphia L., 1758.
Gobius pellucidus Nardo, 1824b, Giorn. Fis. Chim. Stor. nat. Pavia, 7: (7) (Venezia?).
Aphia meridionalis Risso, 1826, Hist. nat. Eur. mérid., 3: 288 (repl. for Atherina minuta Risso, 1810).
Gobius albus Parnell, 1838, Fish. Firth of Forth: 248, pl. XXIX (Firth of Forth, Scotland)
Gobius stuwitzii von Düben, 1845, Öfv. K. Vet. Akad. Förh., 1844, (5): 111 (Christiansund and Bergen, Norway).
Brachyochirus aphya Bonaparte, 1846, Cat. Met. Pesc. Eur.: 64 (not Gobius aphia L., 1758).
Gobius pellucidus Kessler, 1859, 32: 260 (near Odessa) | Couch, 1863, 2: 171, pl. CII (fig. 2) (Bristol Channel, England).
Latrunculus albus: Günther, 1861b: 80, 556.
Gobiosoma stuvitzii: Günther, 1861b: 86.
Latrunculus pellucidus: Günther, 1861b: 556.
Boreogobius stuvitzii: Gill, 1863: 269.
Latrunculus stuwitzii: Collett, 1873: 9.
Aphya pellucida: Moreau, 1881: 238, fig. 106: 1891: 26; 1892: 189 | Duncker, 1928: 143, fig. 15 | Andersson, 1942: 85; 1954: 86, fig. 15.
Aphia pellucida: Day, 1881:169, pl. LIII (fig. 3).
Brachyochirus pellucidus: Carus, 1893: 686 | Nobre, 1935: 151, pl. 22 (fig. 73) | Soljan, 1963: 239, 386, 399 | Zei, 1963: 550, pl. 204.
Aphya minuta: Smitt, 1893-1895: 266, fig. 71, pl. XIII (fig. 8-9) | de Buen, 1931: 3, 50, 60, fig. 1-3, pl. I | Borcea, 1934a: 212, fig. 85-87, pl. VI (fig. 40), pl. VIII (fig. 53-54) | Poll, 1947: 299, fig. 193 | Dieuzeide et al., 1955: 179 | Dollfus, 1955: 71 | Duncker, 1960: 272, fig. 106 | Lozano Rey, 1960: 43, fig. 20-21 | Banarescu, 1964: 864, fig. 381 | Svetovidov, 1964: 412, fig. 135-136 | Georghiev, 1966: 162, fig. 1-2 | Zambriborsch, 1968: 39.
Aphia minuta: Fage, 1915b: 32 | Bini, 1969, 7: 47 | Wheeler, 1969: 277.
Aphya pellucida (Nardo, 1824)
Common names:
chanquete [Spain]
glaskutling [Denmark]
glasskutling [Norway]
goviodàki aphia [Greece]
klarbulten [Sweden]
mlijec [former Yugoslavia]
nonnat [France and Belgium]
rossetto [Italy]
transparent goby [UK and USA]
Weissgrundel [Germany]
glasgrondel [Netherlands and Belgium]