Regalecus glesne


name regalec
name regaleco
name oar fish
name sildakongur
name paz remo
Alternative name roi des harengs
Alternative name pesce nastro
Alternative name king of the herrings
Alternative name rey de los arenques
Valid name Regalecus glesne
Synonymking of the Herrings [UK and USA]
Synonymroi des harengs [France and Belgium]
SynonymCommon names:
Synonymregalec [France and Belgium]
Synonymoar fish [UK and USA]
SynonymRegalecus glesne Ascanius, 1772
SynonymRegalecus glesne Ascanius, 1772, Icon., 2: 5, pl. XI (near Bergen, Norway). Type: unknown.
SynonymRegalecus glesne O. F. Müller, 1776, Zool. dan. Prodr.: 40.
SynonymCephalepis octomaculatus Rafinesque, 1810b, Indice Ittiol. siciliana: 55 (Messina).
SynonymRegalecus remipes: Walbaum, 1792: 696.
SynonymGymnetrus banksii: Hancock and Embleton, 1849: 1-18, pl. I-II.
SynonymRegalecus caudatus: Zugmayer, 1940b: 210 (between Madeira and Monaco Tr.).
SynonymGymnetrus longiradiatus Risso, 1826, Hist. nat. Eur. mérid., 3: 296 (Northern Seas).
SynonymRegalecus caudatus Zugmayer, 1914, Bull. Inst. océanogr. Monaco, (288): 3. Holotype: MOM.
SynonymGymnetrus Banksii Valenciennes, 1835, ibid, 10: 365 (Yorks). Type lost.
SynonymOphidium (glesne): Ascanius, 1788: 421-422.
SynonymGymnetrus Hawkenii Bloch, 1795, Nat. ausland. Fische, 9: 95, pl . 423 (near Goa, India).
SynonymRegalecus remipes Brünnich, 1788, Vid. Selsk. Skr. (n.s.), 3: 11 18, pl. B (fig. 45) (Iceland).
SynonymGymnetrus Grillii Lindroth, 1798, K. Vet. Akad. Hand, 9: 291-298, pl. VIII ('Habitat in Oceano Norvegico').
SynonymGymnetrus Hawkinsii: Bloch and Schneider, 1801: 481-482, pl. 88 (Regalecus remipes).
SynonymGymnetrus gladius Valenciennes, 1835, in Cuv. Val., Hist. nat. Poissons, 10: 352, pl. 298 (Mediterranean).
Synonym? Gymnetrus capensis Valenciennes, 1835, ibid., 10: 376 (Cape of Good Hope). Holotype: MNHN no. B 2626.
SynonymGymnetrus Ascanu Shaw, 1803, Gen. zool., 4 (2): 193-194, pl. 27.
SynonymRegalecus banksii: Rennison, 1953a: 1088; 1953b: 865.
SynonymGymnetrus telum Valenciennes, 1835, ibid., 10: 361, pl. 299 (Mediterranean). Holotype: MNHN no. A 7126.
SynonymRegalecus glesne: Smitt, 1893: 322-327, fig. 87-88 | Wheeler, 1969:
Synonym297-298, fig. | Tortonese, 1970: 479-481, fig. 191 | Bini, 1970: 171-172, col. fig.
