Pseudolepidaplois scrofa


  • Bauchot, M.-L.; Blanc, M. 1961b. Catalogue des types de Scombroidei (Poissons Téléostéens Perciformes) des collections du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle de Paris. BuL Mus. Hist. nat., Paris, (2) 33 (4): 369-379.
  • Bauchot, M.-L.; Blanc, M. 1962. Sur deux espèces de Labridae (Poissons Teleosteens Perciformes) des côtes occidentales d'Afrique. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat., Paris, (2) 34 (1): 67-71.
  • Blache, J.; Cadenat, J.; Stauch, A. 1970. Clés de détermination des poissons de mer signalés dans l'Atlantique Oriental (entre le 20e parallèle N. et le l5e parallèle S.). Faune tropicale, 18: 479 pp., 1152 fig.
  • Collins, B. L. 1954. Lista de Peixes dos Mares dos Açores. Açoreana, 5 (2): 40 p.
  • Cuvier, G.; Valenciennes, A. 1828-1849. Histoire naturelle des Poissons, Paris-Strasbourg, 22 vol., 11030 pp., 621 pl. (numb. 1-650).1,1828: xvi+573 pp., pl. I-VIII [author: Cuvier]; 2, 1828: xxi+490 pp., pl. 9-40 [Cuv.: pp. 1-238, pp. 249-262, pp. 387-490; Val.: pp. 238-249, pp. 262-386]; 3 April 1829: xxiii+500 pp., pl. 41-71 [Cuvier]; 4, 1829: xxvi+518 pp., pl. 72-99 [Cuvier]; 5, 1830: xxviii+499 pp., pl. 100-140 [Cuvier]; 6, 1830: xxiv+pp.559 pp., pl. 141-169 [Val.: pp. 1-425, 493-559; Cuv.: 426-491]; 7, 1831: xxix + 531 pp., pl. 170-208 [Cuv.: 1-440; Val.: pp. 441-531]; 8, 1832: xix+509 pp., pl. 209-245 [Cuv.: pp. 1-470; Val.: pp. 471-509]; 9, 1833: xxix+512 pp., pl. 246-279 [Cuv.: pp. 1-198, pp. 330-359, pp. 372-427; Val.: pp. 199-329, pp. 359-371, pp. 429-512]; 10, 1835: xxiv+482 pp., pl. 280-306 [Val.]; 11, 1836: xx+506 pp., pl. 307-343 [Val.]; 12, 1837: xxix+507 pp., pl. 344-368 [Val.]; 13, 1839: xix+505 pp., pl. 369-388 [Val.]; 14, 1840: xxii+464 pp., pl. 389-420 [Val.]; 15, 1840: xxi + 540 pp., pl. 421-455 [Val.
  • Günther, A. 1862. Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum. 4. Catalogue of the Acanthopterygii Pharyngognathi and Anacanthini in the collection of the British Museum. London, xxi+534 pp.
  • Jordan, D. S. 1891. A review of the Labroid Fishes of America and Europe Rep. U.S. Commnr. Fish. for 1890, 15: pp. 599-699, 11 pl.
  • Jordan, D. S.; Evermann, B. W. 1896-1900. The Fishes of North and Middle America, a descriptive catalogue of the species of fish-like vertebrates found in the waters of North America, north of the isthmus of Panama. Bull. U.S. natn. Mus., (47), Part I, 1896: Ix + 1-1240; Part II, 1898: xxx + 1241-2183 ; Part III, 1898: xxiv + 2184-3136; Part IV, 1900: ci + 3137-3313, 391 pl. (958 fig.).
  • Jordan, D. S.; Gunn, J. A. 1899. List of fishes collected at the Canary islands by Mr. O. F. Cook, with descriptions of four new species. Proc. Acad nat. Sci Philad., 1898 [.
  • Lowe, R. T. 1838. A synopsis of the fishes of Madeira; with the principal synonyms, Portuguese names, and characters of the new genera and species. Trans. zool. Soc. Lond., 2 (3): 173-200.
  • Metzelaar, J. 1919a. Report on the Fishes collected by Dr. J. Boeke in the Dutch West Indies, 1904-1905, with comparative notes on marine fishes of Tropical West Africa. In: J. Boeke, Rapport . . . Kolonie Curaçao: 1-315, 64 fig.
  • Metzelaar, J. 1919b. Over tropisch Atlantische visschen, Kruyt, Amsterdam, 317 p. [dutch ed. of 1919a].
  • Paes da Franca, M. L.; Vasconcelos, M. S. 1962. Contribucao para o estudo de Pseudolepidaplois pfaffi Bauchot et Blanc 1961 (Teleostei, Labroidei). Notas mimeogr. Cent. Biol. pisc., 32: pp. 1-12, 6 fig.
  • Rochebrune, A. T. de. 1882. Faune de la Sénégambie. Act. Soc. linn. Bordeaux, (4) 6 [36] (lere liv.): 23-190, col. pl. I-VI. (Also separate, Paris-Bordeaux, 1883: 166 pp., 6 pl.).
  • Roule, L. 1929. Description de poissons abyssaux provenant de l'île Madère et des parages du Maroc. Bull. Inst. océanogr., Monaco, (546) :1-19, 3 fig.
  • Steindachner, F. 1865b. Vorlaufiger Bericht über die an der Ostküste Tenerife's bei Santa Cruz gesammelten Fische. Sber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 51(1): 398-404.
  • Steindachner, F. 1868b. Ichthyologische Notizen. VII. Sber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 57 (1): 965-1008,.
  • Valenciennes, A. 1837-1844. Ichthyologie des îles Canaries, ou histoire naturelle des poissons rapportés par MM. Webb et Berthelot. In: P. B. Webb et S. Berthelot, Histoire naturelle des Iles Canaries. Paris, 2 (2): 1-109, 26pl. [Plates: 1837: pl.1, 3-4, 8, 11-12; 1838: pl. 7, 10, 13, 14, 17; 1839: pl. 5, 9, 15-16, 18; 1840: pl. 2; 1841: pl. 6- 1842: pl. 19; 1843: pl. 20-23; 1844: pl. 24-26. Text: 1842 : 1-8; 1843: 9-96; 1844: 97-109].
  • Vinciguerra, D. 1893. Catalogo dei pesci delle Isole Canarie. Atti. Soc. ital. Sci. nat., 1892 [.