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- Bonnaterre, J. P. 1788. Ichthyologie. Tableau encyclopédique et méthodique des trois règnes de la Nature, Paris: pp. Ivi+215, pl. A-B+1-100.
- Briggs, J. C. 1955. A Monograph of the Clingfishes (Order Xenopterygii). Stanford ichthyol. Bull, 6: iv+1-224, 114 fig., 15 maps.
- Briggs, J. C. 1957. A new genus and two new species of eastern Atlantic clingfishes. Copeia (3): 204-208.
- Cloquet, H. 1816-1845. Poissons in Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles, 60 vol. text + 2 vol. suppl., pl. Poissons: Atlas, 4, 85 col. pl.
- Day, F. 1880-1884. The Fishes of Great Britain and Ireland. London-Edinburgh, 2 vol., cxii+336 pp., 5 +7 fig., 92 pl. and 388 pp., 87 pl. 1880: 1(1): pp. 1-64, pl. I-XXVII; 1881: 1(2) (3): pp. 65-240, pl. XXVIII-LXVIII; 1882: 1(4): pp. 241-336, pl. LXIX-XCII; 2 (5): pp. 1-96, pl. XCIII-CXVI; 1883: 2 (6): pp. 97-176, pl. CXVII-CXXXII; 2 (7): pp. 177-272, pl. CXXXIII-CXLVIII; 1884: 2 (8): pp. 273-368, pl. CXLIX-CLXXIX.
- Donovan, E. 1802-1808. The Natural History of British Fishes including scientific and general descriptions of the most interesting species, and an extensive selcction of accurately finished coloured plates, London. 1, 1802: [1-70], pl. I-XXIV; 2, 1903: [71-164], pl. XXV-XLVIII; 3, 1804: [165-300], pl. XLIX-LXXII; 4, 1806: [301-406], pl. LXXIII-XCVI; 5, 1808: [407-516], pl. XCVIICXX.
- Fleming, J. 1828. A history of British animals exhibiting the descriptive characters and systematical arrangements of the genera and species of quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, fishes, mollusca and radiata of the U.K.; including the indigenous, extirpated and extinct kinds, together with periodical and occasional visitants. EdinburgLondon, xxiii + 565 pp. (2nd ed., 1842, same pag.).
- Fowler, H. W. 1936. The Marine Fishes of West Africa, based on the collection of the American Museum Congo Expedition 1909-1915. Bull. am. Mus. nat. Hist., 70 (1), Jan. 21,.
- Fraser-Brunner, A. 1938. Notes on the classification of certain British Fishes. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (11) 2: pp. 410-416.
- Günther, A. 1861b. Catalogue of the Acanthopterygian fishes in the collection of the British Museum. 3. Gobiidae, Discoboli, Pediculati, Blenniidae, Labyrinthici, Mugilidae, Notacanthi. London, xxv+586 pp.
- Hoek, P. P. C. 1914. Catalogue des poissons du nord de l'Europe, avec les noms vulgaires dont on se sert dans les langues de cette région. Ed. 2. Publ. de Circon., Cons. Int. Expl. Mer, (12): 89 p.
- Jenkins, J. T. 1936. The fishes of the British Isles both fresh water and salt. Ed. 2. London and New York, viii+408 pp., 21 fig., 143 pl.
- Lacepède, B. 1798-1803. Histoire naturelle des Poissons, 5 vol. in-4, Paris. I: 1798, 8+cxlvii+532 pp., 25 pl., 1 tabl. (inset); II: 1800, Ixiv+632 pp., 20 pl.; III: 1801, 558 pp., 34 pl.; IV: 1802, xliv+728 pp., 16 pl.; V: 1803, xlviii+803 pp., 21 pl.
- Lozano y Rey, L. 1960. Peces fisodistos. Tercera parte. Subseries Toracicos (Ordenes Equeneiformes y Gobiformes), Pediculados y Asimetricos. Mems R. Acad. Cienc. exact. fis. nat. Madr., ser.: Cienc. nat., 14: 613 pp., 173 fig., 7 pl.
- Murgoci, A. A. 1964. Contribution à la connaissance des gobiesocides (ordre des Xenopterygii) de la mer Noire. Rev. Roum. Biol., ser. Zool., 9 (5): pp. 297-306, 6 fig.
- Schneider, J. G. 1801. See M. E. Bloch & J. G. Schneider,.
- Shaw, G. 1803-1804. General zoology or systematic natural history . . . with plates from the first authorities and most select specimens. London: 14 vol. (1800-26); 4, 1803 (2): pp. i-xiii+187-632, pl. 26-92; 5, 1804(2): pp. i-viii+251-463, pl. 133-182.
- Turton, W. 1802. A general system of nature . . . translated from Gmelin's last edition of the Systema Naturae . . . amended and enlarged by W. Turton, 4 vol.
- Wheeler, A. 1969. The Fishes of the British Isles and North-West Europe. Macmillan, London, Melbourne and Toronto: pp. i-xvii+1-163, 5+177 fig., 392 fig. (princ. sp.), 92 n. num. fig., 16 pl., maps.
- Yonge, C. M. 1949. The sea shore. London: xvi+311 pp., 88 fig., 123 pl.