Melanonus zugmayeri


  • Beebe, W. 1932a. Nineteen new species and four postlarval deep-sea fish. Zoologica, N.Y., 13 (4): 47-107, fig. 1-31.
  • Maul, G. E. 1952a. Monografia dos Peixes do Museu Municipal do Funchal. Familia Gadidae e Bregmacerotidae. Bolm Mus. munic. Funchal, 6 (15): pp. 5-51, fig. 1-12.
  • Norman, J. R. 1930. Oceanic fishes and flatfishes collected in 1925-1927. 'Discovery' Rep., 2: pp. 261-370, 47 fig., 2 pl.
  • Zugmayer, E. 1911b. Poissons provenant des campagnes du Yacht 'Princesse Alice'. Résult. Camp. scient. Prince Albert 1, 35: 174 pp., 6 pl.