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- Andriashev, A. P. 1954. Ryby severnykh morei SSSR. Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR. Moskwa-Leningrad. (English trans. 1964, Jerusalem, IPST, 617 pp., 300 fig.).
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- Bini, G. 1967-1972. Atlante dei pesci delle Coste italiane. Mondo Sommerso, Milano, 9 vol: I, 1967, Leptocardi, Ciclostomi, Selaci, 206 pp., 66 fig. + 64 col. fig. II, 1971, Osteitti (Acipenseriformi, Clupeiformi, Mictofiformi, Anguilliformi), 300 pp., 73 col. fig. III, 1970, Notacantiformi . . . Zeiformi, 229 pp., 34 fig. + 63 col. fig. IV, 1968, Perciformi (Mugiloidei, Percoidei), 163 pp., 34 fig. + 49 col. fig. V, 1968, Perciformi (Percoidei), 175 pp., 22 fig. + 56 col. fig. VI, 1968, Perciformi (Trichiuroidei . . . Blennioidei), 177 pp., 48 fig + 57 col. fig. VII,1969, Perciformi (Ofidioidei . . . Dactilopteroidei), 196 pp., 57 fig. + 59 col. fig. VIII,1968, Pleuronettiformi, Echeniformi, Gobioesociformi, Tetraodontiformi, Lofiformi, 164 pp., 34 + 63 fig. IX, 1972, Introduzione. Parte generale. Aggiornamenti. Indici. 176 p.
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- Frost, G. A. 1925. A comparative study of the otoliths of the Neopterygian Fishes, I, Order Isospondyli. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)15 :151-163, pl. XI-XIII.
- Günther, A. 1866. Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum. 6. Catalogue of the Physostomi containing the families Salmonidae, Percopsidae, Galaxidae, Mormyridae, Gymnarchidae, Esocidae, Umbridae, Scombresocidae, Cyprinodontidae in the collection of the British Museum. London, pp. xv+368 p.
- Kolombatovic, C. 1890. Notizie ittiologiche. ClasnikMarav. Druztva, Zagreb, 6 :165-167.
- Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae, ed. X, vol. 1, 824 pp. Nantes & Pisces: pp. 230-338. (Reprint, 1956, London.).
- Lozano y Rey, L. 1947. Peces Ganoideos y Fisostomos, Mems R. Acad. Cienc. exact. fis. nat. Madr., ser.: Cienc. Nat., 11: xv + 839 p., 190 fig., 20 pl.
- Moreau, E. 1881-1891. Histoire naturelle des poissons de la France, Paris, I, 1881: pp. I-VII+1-480, fig. 1-82; II, 1881: pp. 1-572, fig. 83-145; III, 1881: pp. 1-697, fig. 146-220; Suppl., 1891: pp. 1-144, fig. 221-227.
- Ninni, E. 1930. Sopra la Truth adriatica (Kolomb.) Bull Soc. Zool France, 55: 446451,1 fig.
- Pallas, P. S. 1811. [probably 1814]. Zoographia rosso-asiatica, sistens omnium animalium in extenso Imperio Rossico et adjacentibus maribus observatorum recensionem, domicilia, mores et descriptiones anatomen atque icones plurimorum, 3 vol. Petropoli, 3, 428 pp. (pl. [1], XIII, XIV, XV, XXI, XX (sic)) (89 pl. are mentioned in the text but are unpublished. Perhaps published in Icones ad Zoographiam Rosso-Asiaticam, 1834-427.). (2nd ed., 1831, 3 vol. and Atlas, Petropoli.).
- Poll, M. 1947. Poissons marins in Faune de Belgique. Bruxelles, 452 pp., 267 fig., 2 pl., 2 maps n. num. (inset).
- Sanz Echeverria, J. 1928. Investigaciones sobre otolitos de peces de España. Boln R. Soc. esp. Hist. nat., 28 (1): 159-166, pl. IV-V.
- Scott, T. 1906. Observations on the otoliths of some teleostean fishes. 24. Rep. Fishery Bd Scotl., 1905 [.
- Shepherd, C. E. 1914. On the location of the sacculus and its contained otoliths in fishes. Zoologist, Lond., (4)18: 103-109, 131-146, 3 fig.
- Smitt, F. A. 1893-1895. (ed.) A history of Scandinavian fishes, Stockholm and Paris, Atlas, I, 1893, pl. i-xxvii.
- Soljan, T. 1963. Fishes of the Adriatic (Ribe Jadrana). Fauna et flora adriatica 1 (revised and enlarged for the English edition), 428 pp., many unnumbered fig.
- Svetovidov, A. N. 1964. Rîbî Chernogo Morya. [The fishes of the Black Sea]. Opred Faune SSSR, 86: pp. 1-552, fig. 1-191 (in Russian).
- Tylová, M. 1927. Morfologi vnitrui struktura statolitu nasich Teleostei [Morphology and structure of statoliths of our Teleostean Fishes]. Rozpr. csl. Akad. Ved. (mat. prir ), 28: 402-411, fig. 1-35+ 1-12 (pl. I-II); 36: 1-20, 2 tab., 38 fig.
- Wheeler, A. 1969. The Fishes of the British Isles and North-West Europe. Macmillan, London, Melbourne and Toronto: pp. i-xvii+1-163, 5+177 fig., 392 fig. (princ. sp.), 92 n. num. fig., 16 pl., maps.
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