Argentina sphyraena


  • Chapman, W. M. 1942a. The osteology and relationships of the Argentinidae, a family of oceanic fishes. J. Wash. Acad Sci., 32: 104-117.
  • Cohen, D. M. 1958a. A revision of the fishes of the sub-family Argentininae. Bull. Fla. St. Mus. biol. Sci., 3: pp. 93-172.
  • Costa, O. G. 1844. Descrizione di Un nuovo pesce della famiglia de Gadini: 7, 3 pl. in Fauna del Regno di Napoli, Pesci 1, Gadoides.
  • Cuvier, G.; Valenciennes, A. 1828-1849. Histoire naturelle des Poissons, Paris-Strasbourg, 22 vol., 11030 pp., 621 pl. (numb. 1-650).1,1828: xvi+573 pp., pl. I-VIII [author: Cuvier]; 2, 1828: xxi+490 pp., pl. 9-40 [Cuv.: pp. 1-238, pp. 249-262, pp. 387-490; Val.: pp. 238-249, pp. 262-386]; 3 April 1829: xxiii+500 pp., pl. 41-71 [Cuvier]; 4, 1829: xxvi+518 pp., pl. 72-99 [Cuvier]; 5, 1830: xxviii+499 pp., pl. 100-140 [Cuvier]; 6, 1830: xxiv+pp.559 pp., pl. 141-169 [Val.: pp. 1-425, 493-559; Cuv.: 426-491]; 7, 1831: xxix + 531 pp., pl. 170-208 [Cuv.: 1-440; Val.: pp. 441-531]; 8, 1832: xix+509 pp., pl. 209-245 [Cuv.: pp. 1-470; Val.: pp. 471-509]; 9, 1833: xxix+512 pp., pl. 246-279 [Cuv.: pp. 1-198, pp. 330-359, pp. 372-427; Val.: pp. 199-329, pp. 359-371, pp. 429-512]; 10, 1835: xxiv+482 pp., pl. 280-306 [Val.]; 11, 1836: xx+506 pp., pl. 307-343 [Val.]; 12, 1837: xxix+507 pp., pl. 344-368 [Val.]; 13, 1839: xix+505 pp., pl. 369-388 [Val.]; 14, 1840: xxii+464 pp., pl. 389-420 [Val.]; 15, 1840: xxi + 540 pp., pl. 421-455 [Val.
  • Day, F. 1880-1884. The Fishes of Great Britain and Ireland. London-Edinburgh, 2 vol., cxii+336 pp., 5 +7 fig., 92 pl. and 388 pp., 87 pl. 1880: 1(1): pp. 1-64, pl. I-XXVII; 1881: 1(2) (3): pp. 65-240, pl. XXVIII-LXVIII; 1882: 1(4): pp. 241-336, pl. LXIX-XCII; 2 (5): pp. 1-96, pl. XCIII-CXVI; 1883: 2 (6): pp. 97-176, pl. CXVII-CXXXII; 2 (7): pp. 177-272, pl. CXXXIII-CXLVIII; 1884: 2 (8): pp. 273-368, pl. CXLIX-CLXXIX.
  • Fries, B. F.; Ekström, C. U.; Sundevall, C. J. 1893-1895. A History of Scandinavian Fishes, rev. and compl. by F. A. Smitt, Stockholm & Paris, I, 1893: pp. 1-566+viii, fig. 1-134; II, 1895: pp. 567-1240, fig. 135-380; Atlas, Pt. I, 1893, pl. I-XXVII; Pt. II, 1895, pl. XXVII A-LIII.
  • Hallday, R. G. 1969a. Distribution and regional variation of Argentina sphyraena [Pisces: Isospondyli]. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K, 49: 189-208.
  • Hallday, R. G. 1969b. Population parameters of Arpentina sphyraena [Isospondyli] from west of Britain. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K, 49: 407 -431.
  • Hallday, R. G. 1969c. Reproduction and feeding of Argentina sphyraena [Isospondyli] in the Clyde Sea area. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K., 49: 785-803.
  • Lee, J. Y. 1963. Les argentines du Golfe du Lion, Argentina sphyraena L., Argentina leioglossa Val. Revue Trav. Inst. (scient. tech.) Pêch. marit., 27: pp. 189-194.
  • Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae, ed. X, vol. 1, 824 pp. Nantes & Pisces: pp. 230-338. (Reprint, 1956, London.).
  • Nilsson, S. 1855. Skandinavisk Fauna. Fjerde Delen: Fiskarna, Lund: xxxiv+768 p.
  • Risberg, G. 1835. Observationes ichthyologicae. Lundae [not seen].
  • Schmidt, E. J. 1905-1906. The pelagic post-larval stages of the Atlantic species of Gadus, Part I. Meddr. Kommn Havunders., Ser.: Fisk., 1905, 1(4): 77 pp., 16 fig., 3 pl.; Part II, ibid., 1906, 2 (2): 20 pp., pl. I.
  • Schmidt, E. J. 1918b. Argentinidae, Microstomidae, Opisthoproctidae, Mediterranean Odontostomidae. Rep. Dan. oceanogr. Exped. Mediterr., 1908-1910, 2, Biol. (AS): pp. 1-40, 23 fig., 4 charts.
  • Schmidt, W. 1968. Vergleichend morphologische Studie über die Otolithen mariner Knochenfische. Arch. FischWiss., 19 (1): pp. 1-96, 184 fig., 25 pl.
  • Valiana, S. 1940. Contributo alla biometria e allo studio dell'alimentazione dei pesci (Argentina sphyraena (L.)). Boll. Pesca Piscic. Idrobiol., 16: 1-8.
  • Yarrell, W. 1836-1839. A History of British fishes, illustrated by nearly 400 wood-cuts, in two volumes, London, 1836,1: xxxvii+408 pp., 2: 472 pp., fig. n. num.; 1839, supplement: vi+48 pp., fig. (2nd ed., 1841, with suppl.; 3rd ed., 1859, additional species by J. Richardson, 1: xxxviii+675 pp., 2: 670 pp., 522 fig.).