Genus Diplophos

Diplophos Gunther, 1873

Medium-sized fishes, fairly elongate; mouth large, premaxillary teeth uniserial; pseudobranch present; gillrakers on first arch 10 14. Dorsal fin origin well in advance of, and anus close to, anal fin origin; last dorsal and anal rays usually split to base, dorsal adipose fin absent. Swimbladder capacious. Scales deciduous.
Photophores: present on isthmus; SO present; OA extending over anal fin; AC 28-51; 1-2 non-serial pre-pectoral primary photophores; small photophores along lateral line area, extending on to caudal fin.
Circumglobal between about 40° N and 45° S, mesopelagic- juveniles and adults exhibit diel vertical migrations, often reaching surface at night. Dioecious, at metamorphosis majority of ventral serial photophores develop simultaneously in white photophore stage, accompanied by marked body shrinkage.

Species 4; in Clofnam area 2

Recent revisions: Johnson (1970); Johnson and Barnett (1972); Krefft and Parin (1972); Mukhacheva (1978).

Species of this genus in the program:
Diplophos maderensis
Diplophos taenia