Familia Mitsukurinidae


by J.-C. Quero

Medium-sized sharks (to about 3.5 m). Body very soft, flabby. Snout greatly elongate and flat, visor-like; jaws very widely protrusible; eyes small, without a nictitating fold or membrane; 5 gill openings, all anterior to origin of pectoral fins. Two dorsal fins; anal fin present; pectoral, pelvic, dorsal and anal fins broadly rounded; caudal fin asymmetrical, without a well-developed lower lobe. No pre-caudal pits or keels on caudal peduncle.
Benthic in temperate and warm seas. Occurring on outer continental or insular shelves and upper slopes. Feeding probably on invertebrates (crustaceans, squids) and on small fishes. Probably ovoviviparous.

Genus 1.

Recent revisions: Cadenat and Blache (1981), Compagno (1981; in press).