Genus Lycodes

Lycodes Reinhardt, 1832

Body moderately elongate, its depth about 8-14% TL at anal ongin, caudal part tapering. Mouth inferior; a pair of crests on chin; teeth present on vomer and palatines. Dorsal fin origin over pectoral fins; small pelvic fins present; preanal distance more than 1/3 TL. Pores around mouth, if present, minute, never nostril-like. Lateral line single (midlateral, ventrolateral or ventral) or double (midlateral and ventral). Vertebrae symmetrical. Inhabit cold waters on muddy bottoms, from shallow waters to 1,000 m (rarely 2,000-3,000 m). Feed on small bottom invertebrates. Eggs large, demersal, usually no more than a few hundred. No commercial value, although delicious when smoked.

Species about 60; in Clofnam area 16.

Recent revisions: more work needed.

Species of this genus in the program:
Lycodes adolfi
Lycodes crassiceps
Lycodes esmarki
Lycodes eudipleurostictus
Lycodes frigidus
Lycodes jugoricus
Lycodes lavalei
Lycodes luetkeni
Lycodes microcephalus
Lycodes pallidus
Lycodes polaris
Lycodes reticulatus
Lycodes rossi
Lycodes sagittarius
Lycodes seminudus
Lycodes squamiventer
Lycodes vahli