Genus Pomatoschistus

Pomatoschistus Gill, 1864

Sub-orbital papillae with row a around lower edge of orbit; usually at least 1 transverse row from row a, and row c below eye, including cp, represented by several transverse rows, at least 1 below course of longitudinal row b. Anterior and posterior oculoscapular and preopercular head canals present. Usually lacking pore ß, sometimes pores and , but anterior oculoscapular canal extending on to snout. Head and nape naked, predorsal area sometimes with scales. Anterior nostril a short tube, without lappet on rim. Pectoral fin uppermost rays not free from membrane. Pelvic disc complete, anterior membrane without conspicuous lateral lobes but rear edge sometimes villose. First dorsal rays Vl. Vertebral modes 30-33. Scales ctenoid, in lateral series 36-75.
Small epibenthic Atlantic-Mediterranean species, often very numerous, typically marine or estuarine.

Species in Clofnam area 11.

Species of this genus in the program:
Pomatoschistus bathi
Pomatoschistus canestrinii
Pomatoschistus knerii
Pomatoschistus lozanoi
Pomatoschistus marmoratus
Pomatoschistus microps
Pomatoschistus minutus
Pomatoschistus norvegicus
Pomatoschistus pictus
Pomatoschistus quagga
Pomatoschistus tortonesei