Genus Rhadinesthes

Rhadinesthes Regan and Trewavas, 1929

Body long and slender, compressed, its depth more than 10 times in SL. No enlarged teeth in jaws; posterior part of upper jaw (maxilla) with widely spaced, slightly curved, short teeth; gill bars with well-separated short spines along their length. Post-orbital luminous organ single. Ventral (IC) and lateral (OA) rows of photophores with gap in area between pelvic fin insertion and anal fin origin. Dorsal fin origin at less than 60% of SL, considerably behind pelvic fin insertion; dorsal adipose fin absent.

See family for biology, etc.

Species 1, found in Clofnam area.

Recent revisions: Gibbs (1964) out of date; work in progress by Gibbs.

Species of this genus in the program:
Rhadinesthes decimus