Genus Leptoclinus


  • Gill, T. N. 1862c. Catalogue of the fishes of the eastern coast of North America from Greenland to Georgia. Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad., 1861[1862],13 (suppl.) :1-63.
  • Gill, T. N. 1864k. Notes on the family Stichaeoids. Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad, 16: 208-21 1 .
  • Nilsson, S. 1855. Skandinavisk Fauna. Fjerde Delen: Fiskarna, Lund: xxxiv+768 p.
  • Reinhardt, J. C. H. 1837a. [Ichthyologiske bidrag til den grönlandske fauna]: pp. 8-12. In: H. C. Ă–rsted, Overs. K. danske Vidensk. Selsk. Forh. (1835-1836): pp. 1-32 [also publ. in K danske Vidensk. Selsk. Naturvid. Math. Afhandl., 1837, 6: cix-cxi].