Genus Haplophryne


  • Bertelsen, E. 1951. The ceratioid fishes, ontogeny, taxonomy, distribution and biology. Dana Rep., (39): 276 pp., 141 fig., I pl.
  • Regan, C. T. 1912b. The anatomy and classification of the Teleostean fishes of the order Lyomeri. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)10: 347-349,1 pl.
  • Regan, C. T. 1925b. Dwarfed males parasitic on the females in oceanic angler-fishes (Pediculati, Ceratioidea). Proc. R. Soc. Lond, (B) 97 (B 684): 386-400, fig. 1-9, pl. 20.