Familia Osmeridae


  • Chapman, W. M. 1941. The osteology and relationships of the osmerid fishes. J. Morphol., 69: 279-301.
  • Gruchy, I. M.; McAllister, D. E. 1972. A bibliography of the smelt family, Osmeridae. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Technical Rept, (368) :1-104.
  • Kirpichnikov, V. C. 1935. Biological-systematic outline of smelts of White Sea, Chesskoy Gulf and Pechori River. Trudy vses. nauchno-issled. Inst. morsk. ryb. Khoz. Okeanogr., 2: 101-194.
  • Klyukanov, V. A. 1970. Classification of smelts (Osmeridae) with respect to peculiarities of skeleton structure in the genus Thaleichthys. Zool. Zhurn., 49: 399-416 (in Russian, English summary).
  • Klyukanov, V. A. 1971. A comparative study of the osteology of the genus Spirinchus (Pisces, Osmeridae). Zool. Zhurn., 50: 84-88 (in Russian).
  • Klyukanov, V. A. 1975a. Taxonomy and relations between the smelts of the genera Osmerus and Hypomesus and their dispersion. Zool. Zhurn., 54: 590-596 (in Russian).
  • Klyukanov, V. A. 1975b. The systematic position of the Osmeridae in the order Salmoniformes. J. Ichthyol., 15: 1-17.
  • Klyukanov, V. A. 1977. The origin, distribution and evolution of the smelts (Osmeridae). pp. 13-27. In: Principles of classification and phylogeny of salmonids. Acad. Sci. SSSR., Zool. Inst., Leningrad (in Russian, English translation in Ichthyology Section, National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa).
  • McAllister, D. E. 1966. Numerical taxonomy and the smelt family, Osmeridae. Can. Fld. Nat., 80 (4): 227-238, 2 fig.
  • Rumjanzev, A. I. 1946. [The capelin of Japan Sea]. Bull. Pacific Sci. Inst. Fish. Oceanogr. Vladivostok, 22: 35-74, 6 fig. (in Russian, with English summary).