Lampanyctus ater

Author: Tåning, 1928

Lampanyctus ater Tåning, 1928

Status in World Register of Marine Species:
Accepted name: Nannobrachium atrum (Tåning, 1928) (updated 2009-06-25)

Diagnosis: dorsal finrays 15 (14-16); anal finrays 17-18 (16-20); pectoral finrays 11-12. Gillrakers 5 (rarely 4) + 1 + 11 (10-12), total 17 (15-18). AO 7 (6-8) + 8 (6-9), total 15 (12-16). Infra-caudal gland 31-61% of length of caudal peduncle. Size: to 129 mm.

Habitat: high-oceanic, mesopelagic. Canaries: day at 680-930 m; night at 110-925 m. Bermuda: day at 751-900 m and 1,051-1,200 m (maximum abundances at 751-800 m (juveniles) and 1,051-1,100 m (larger specimens); night at 51-250 m and 801-850 m (maximum abundance at 51-100 m). Size stratification during the day. Specimens smaller than 50 mm migratory; non-migrants include all sizes. Food: no data. Reproduction: sexually mature from about 90 mm. Spawns in early summer (Bermuda).

Distribution: Atlantic: subtropical pattern (bisubtropical subpattern) between 30° and 40° N and between 27° and 40° S (western sector) and between 20° and 58° N (mainly 20° to 40° N) and between 13° and 40° S (eastern sector). Elsewhere: Indian Ocean (between 12° and 44° S).

Eggs, larvae and young stages. No data.
Otoliths (sagitta). Kotthaus, 1972a: 14, 26, fig. 80; 1972b: 29, pl. II (fig. 12).