Diogenichthys atlanticus

Author: Tåning, I928

Diogenichthys atlanticus Tåning, I928

Status in World Register of Marine Species:
Accepted name: Diogenichthys atlanticus (Tåning, 1928) (updated 2009-06-25)

Diagnosis: dorsal finrays 11-12 (10): anal finrays 16-17 (15- 18): pectoral finrays 12-13(14) Gillrakers 2 + 1 + 10-11 (9) total 13-14(12) AO 6-7 (8) + 3 (4) total 9-10 (11) Males with single large supla-caudal luminous gland: females with 2 4 small coalesced patches infra-caudally. Size: to 29 mm.

Habitat: high-oceanic mesopelagic: Canaries: day 400-700 m (maximum abundance at 500-600 m): night 110-100 m and 500-700 m. Bermuda: day 450-1,250 m (maximum abundance at 600-650 m): night 18 1,050 m (maximum ahundance at 50-100 m). larvae and light-coloured juveniles (12-13 mm) non-migratory. Food: no data. Reproduction: caudal gland develop in both sexes from about 15 to 16 mm; sexually mature from about 22 mm. Spawning peak in early spring (Bermuda).

Distribution: widespread pattern in all three oceans. Atlantic: single population (exhibiting clinal variation in AO counts) from 50° N to 48° S, but less abundant or even absent in regions of low productivity only post-larvae taken in western Mediterranean basin. Elsewhere: western Indian Ocean (between 22° and 45° S) and North and South Pacific (between 35° N and 35° S but absent in equatorial waters east of 130° W and near Hawaii).

Eggs, larvae and young stages. Tåning, 1918: 150, fig. 46; 1931: pl. 118 (fig. 2) | Pertseva-Ostroumova, 1964: fig. 1 | Moser and Ahlström, 1970: 40-47, fig. 10-11.
Otoliths (sagitta). Kotthaus, 1972a: 11, 25, fig. 56.