Evermannella indica

Author: Brauer, 1906

Evermannella indica Brauer, 1906

Status in World Register of Marine Species:
Accepted name: Evermannella indica Brauer, 1906 (updated 2009-06-25)

Diagnosis: gill filaments not projecting beyond gill covers. Dorsal finrays 12-13, anal finrays 27-31. Vertebrae 48-52. Colour: in alcohol, brown with numerous variably sized melanophores. Intensity of pigmentation very variable; specimens pale-coloured with sparse pigmentation and specimens covered with brownish-black pigmentation occurring throughout the range of the species. Size: to 127.2 mm SL.

Habitat: oceanic, mesopelagic; most adults taken in hauls to depths exceeding 400 m, chiefly in hauls to depths of 500-800 m. Adults often taken in the upper 200 m and on several occasions in the upper 100 m. Larvae (under 30 mm SL) and small juveniles (under 50 mm SL) commonly taken in the upper 100 m and fairly frequently in the upper 50 m. Larvae and small juveniles taken in all months of the year. Food: adults feed on other midwater fishes. Reproduction: no data.

Distribution: Atlantic, northward to Portugal; not in Mediterranean. Elsewhere, tropical and subtropical zones of all the oceans.