Pomatoschistus bathi

Author: Miller, 1982

Pomatoschistus bathi Miller, 1982

Status in World Register of Marine Species:
Accepted name: Pomatoschistus bathi Miller, 1982 (updated 2009-06-25)

Diagnosis: lateral line system with sub-orbital row a having 1 transverse row, row b ending anteriorly below rear edge of eye; transverse rows below level of row b little developed, and only cp may descend slightly behind row d; head canals with pore , but no pore on anterior oculoscapular canal. Eyes dorsolateral. Branchiostegal membrane attached to entire isthmus side. Predorsal area, back to middle of first dorsal base, and breast, naked. Pelvic disc anterior membrane with straight rear edge. Caudal fin rounded. Dl VI (V-VI); D2 I + 8 (7-9); A I + 8 (6-9); P 14-16 (13-17). Scales in lateral series 32-37 (30-38). Vertebrae 31 (30-32). Colour: fawn with darker, more or less distinct reticulation; males with several short, vertical, dark marks across sides, and pelvic disc, breast and branchiostegal membrane mostly dark; females with 3 or 4 triangular vertical dark marks chiefly below lateral midline; pelvic disc and breast pale, but branchiostegal membrane, from rear border to chin, with deeply pigmented band along ventral midline. Size: to 3.2 cm.

Habitat: inshore, on sand and gravel, to 12 m; may enter brackish water. Food: no data. Reproduction: no data.

Distribution: Mediterranean, and into Sea of Marmara.