Linophryne maderensis

Author: Maul, 1961

Linophryne maderensis Maul, 1961

Status in World Register of Marine Species:
Accepted name: Linophryne maderensis Maul, 1961 (updated 2009-06-25)

Diagnosis: females with illicial length 30.5-36 mm; esca without distal appendage, with 2 simple filaments on upper part of bulb; no appendage behind escal pore; barbel about 50% SL, unbranched part of stem 25-35% SL; 4 primary branches, the proximal simple with few photophores in unpigmented tip, the others with 2-4 terminal, slender, unpigmented filaments each with an internal series of photophores. Males unknown.

Habitat, Food, Reproduction: see suborder.

Distribution: three females from off Madeira.

Eggs, larvae and young stages. No data.
Otoliths (sagitta). No data.