Maulisia mauli

Author: Parr, 1960

Maulisia mauli Parr, 1960

Status in World Register of Marine Species:
Accepted name: Maulisia mauli Parr, 1960 (updated 2009-06-25)

Diagnosis: body compressed, head large, more than one-third body length, widest point formed by frontals. Snout pointed, premaxillary tusks pointing straight forward. Gillrakers 23-26 (14-17 on lower limb),
median ceratobranchial rakers on second arch complete or only a few absent. Branchiostegal rays 8. Pyloric caeca 6-7 (one or two branched). Dorsal fin far back on body, with 17-21 finrays; pectoral fins small, with
17-19 finrays; pelvic fins a little behind midpoint of body, with 7-8 finrays; anal fin origin opposite fourth to eighth dorsal finray, with 15-18 finrays. Light organs present; organ on underside of caudal peduncle (ICO) single; that between bases of pectoral fins (THO) forming a transverse bar; that between bases of pelvic fins (MVO) round. Lateral line
scales about 80-95, 12 above and 13-14 below at origins of dorsal and anal fins. Colour: uniformly dark. Size: to 25 cm, usually 10-19 cm.

Habitat: deep mesopelagic to bathypelagic, to 400-1,000 m in its North Atlantic subtropical range. Food: no data. Reproduction: no data.

Distribution: a little north of Madeira to Bay of Biscay and northward to a little south of Iceland. Elsewhere, southward to about 4° N in tropical Atlantic.

Eggs, larvae and young stages. Quero, 1970: 272, 275.
Otoliths (sagitta). No data.