Genus Sebastes

Sebastes Cuvier, 1829

Preorbital bone with 1 or 2 spinous points over maxilla; sub-orbital ridge without spine and generally weakly marked; supplemental preopercular spine absent; all 5 preopercular spines about equal in length; upper post-temporal spine present but lower one small or absent; supracleithral spine present; 2 opercular spines; other spines present include the nasal, pre-, supra- and post-ocular and parietal. Symphysis of lower jaw more or less developed as a rounded protuberance or sharply projected. Occipital pit absent. Dorsal fin with 14-16 strong spines and 12-17 rays; anal fin with 3 spines and 6 or more rays; pectoral fin with 17-21 rays. Scales ctenoid; head, cheek and snout scaly. No flap or tab or tentacle on head and body.
Generally cold waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. These fishes are ovoviviparous.

Species 6 or 7; in Clofnam area 4.

Species of this genus in the program:
Sebastes fasciatus
Sebastes marinus
Sebastes mentella
Sebastes viviparus