Genus Scopelosaurus

Scopelosaurus Bleeker, 1860

Head small to rather large; posterior infra-orbital bones with a prominent anterior crest bordering eye and a posterior expanded, lobed lamella; lower jaw with an anterior unpaired primary pore, followed by two pairs of such pores in anterior half, secondary pores numerous. Pelvic fins distinctly in front of dorsal fin origin. Skeleton moderately to well ossified, vertebrae more than 52; axial muscles firm, ventral body wall rather thick and opaque, never transparent.
Mesopelagic (young) to benthopelagic (adults), some mainly tropical species epipelagic in insular habitats, most of the other species neritooceanic.

Species about 15; in Clofnam area 3.

Recent revisions: see family.

Species of this genus in the program:
Scopelosaurus argenteus
Scopelosaurus lepidus
Scopelosaurus smithii