Genus Protomyctophum

Protomyctophum Fraser-Brunner, 1949

Mouth moderately large, jaws extending to or slightly beyond posterior margin of orbit. Maxillae greatly expanded posteriorly and truncate. Dn minute, Vn small. PLO below lower base of pectoral fin. Five PO, level. Four VO, level. SAO in a straight or weakly angulate line. AO series continuous. Pol absent. Two Prc, level or nearly so. Supra-caudal and infra-caudal luminous glands present.
High-oceanic, mesopelagic in cool waters of all three oceans (except one species in tropical eastern Pacific).

Two subgenera: Protomyctophum Fraser-Brunner, 1949 with 7 described species; none in area. Hierops Fraser-Brunner, 1949 with about 7 species; 1 in area.

Recent revisions: McGinnis (1974); Hulley (1981).

Species of this genus in the program:
Protomyctophum arcticum