Genus Notolychnus

Notolychnus Fraser-Brunner, 1949

Mouth large, jaws extending well behind posterior margin of ol Maxillae abruptly expanded posteriorly. Origin of adipose fin poste to end of base of anal fin. Dn present, Vn absent. Five PO, with P03 P04 elevated. Four VO, with VO1 elevated. Two Pol. Two Prc. VLO, SA03 and Pol2 close to dorsal contour of body; Prc2 above horizontal septum. Supra-caudal gland in both males and females.

Habitat: high-oceanic mesopelagic. Canaries: day at 400-700 m (maximum abundance at 400-500 m); night at 25-200 m, 300-500 m and 600-700 m. Bermuda: day at 401-700 m (maximum abundance at 501-600m), night at 50-350 m (maximum abundance at 51-100 m). Size stratification with depth during the day only. Juveniles migratory; adults migratory, partially migratory or non-migratory. Food: copepods, conchoecid ostracods and euphausiids, with (?) selectivity against ostracods (Canaries); copepods, amphipods, crustacean larvae and chaetognaths (Indian Ocean). Reproduction: caudal glands develop in both sexes at 11 mm; sexually mature from 19 to 24 mm. Spawning peak in early summer.

Distribution: Atlantic: widespread pattern, between 56° N and 40 S. Elsewhere: eastern Indian Ocean (between 9° and 32° S) and Pacific (between 0° and 32° S (western sector) and between 32° N and 30° S (eastern sector), but with 20° S southern limit in the Peruvian Transitional Zone).

Species of this genus in the program:
Notolychnus valdiviae