Genus Myctophum

Myctophum Rafinesque, 1810

Mouth moderately large, jaws extending beyond posterior margin of orbit. Maxillae from slightly to markedly expanded posteriorly. Dn small, Vn larger. Five PO, level. Four VO, level. SAO in a straight or slightly angulate line, with SAO1 always posterior to V03. AO series divided into AOa and AOp. One Pol. Two Prc, with Prc2 either elevated and just posterior to Prcl or highly elevated to lateral line. Supra-caudal (males) and infra-caudal (females) luminous glands present; M. selenops with supra-caudal glands present in both sexes.
High-oceanic, mesopelagic in warm waters of all three oceans; one species (M. punctatum) in boreal North Atlantic and in Mediterranean.

Species 13; in Clofnam area 3.

Recent revisions: Kawaguchi and Aioi (1972); Bekker and Borodulina (1978).

Species of this genus in the program:
Myctophum nitidulum
Myctophum punctatum
Myctophum selenops